Before dwelling on the events that transpired election day, I do want to first thank enormously the team I worked with on this campaign—Donovan O’Neil, Ryan and Evan Beil, Amber and Josh Ivack, John Blue, Jim Shaw, Claudia Kovach, Michelle Jones, and Mara Frisco. I am extremely proud of all of these individuals because they put a ton of time in on this campaign and put in numerous hours when they didn’t have to.
Accomplishments: knocked 1,250 doors (most of which on the weekends), passed out literature at football games every home game, and put in a full day on election day. Congratulations guys, we are the only campaign in our race that did any of those things, because our opposition ran on an entrenched name and had someone else run her campaign for her. We ran this campaign on the up and up, and it was clean. We did not shamelessly attach ourselves to someone else in another race, and we actually put the man hours in on this unlike my opponent. Congratulations guys for doing this the right way. We also won 1/8 precincts, so it was not a clean sweep. 5/8 of those precinct losses were marginal, within 20 votes.
If you want to see the Republican resurgence in Mahoning County, look no further than these people. Most of them are either in high school or college, and we literally scared the hell out of the opposition in this race. We beat the pants off the incumbent and nearly knocked off one of the entrenched “old guard” challengers who really ran on her name than putting forth any meaningful time. How do I know this? Well, when you talk to over 1,000 people and they say you are the first one who came knocking on the door, you find out who is campaigning and who is running on a name pretty quickly.
As far as my opponent, I will not say much. Typically, the best person does not win elections, but the best campaigner. This time, neither the best person nor the best campaigner won. I believe in all of my heart we ran the best campaign, but because an entrenched politician suddenly showed an interest in running for office after lying dormant for a number of years and used her name recognition to campaign, we are now stuck with the same old politics we have seen in Mahoning County for the last thirty years. She did not deserve to win, and I am not sorry for saying it. I have been told there is a lot more to this story than what meets the eye, but I will wait to see what transpires in January before making any kind of judgment.
I am not afraid to run again, and you can bet I will be back making waves not only in 2011 but as soon as January arrives. The politics of this town is dirty, rough and tumble, and in your face, and damn it I am not afraid of these people anymore. I may have difficulty speaking at times, and I may not have a loud voice or an overtly talkative nature, but I am a good listener, and I do not owe any favors to anyone. And there is not one politician in this town currently who can say that. I lack the bravado and ego of these people, and I smell BS from ten miles away. Most of the politics in this town is bravado by the way.
And that, my friends, is why these people are so afraid. And that is why you all need to run, particularly those in college and high school currently. You do not owe any allegiance to anyone and you do not owe any favors. Mahoning County needs fresh faces that are not entrenched
We did a good thing here today everyone, and though I am a little angry about how things turned out, I am extremely proud we ran a clean campaign and to have worked with all of you these last few weeks. We came farther than many expected us to, and we managed to catch a lot of people off guard. I look forward to working with you again soon, be it on my own campaign or your own campaigns in the future.
Alex Mangie
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown and Future Trustee Candidate for Canfield 2011
Accomplishments: knocked 1,250 doors (most of which on the weekends), passed out literature at football games every home game, and put in a full day on election day. Congratulations guys, we are the only campaign in our race that did any of those things, because our opposition ran on an entrenched name and had someone else run her campaign for her. We ran this campaign on the up and up, and it was clean. We did not shamelessly attach ourselves to someone else in another race, and we actually put the man hours in on this unlike my opponent. Congratulations guys for doing this the right way. We also won 1/8 precincts, so it was not a clean sweep. 5/8 of those precinct losses were marginal, within 20 votes.
If you want to see the Republican resurgence in Mahoning County, look no further than these people. Most of them are either in high school or college, and we literally scared the hell out of the opposition in this race. We beat the pants off the incumbent and nearly knocked off one of the entrenched “old guard” challengers who really ran on her name than putting forth any meaningful time. How do I know this? Well, when you talk to over 1,000 people and they say you are the first one who came knocking on the door, you find out who is campaigning and who is running on a name pretty quickly.
As far as my opponent, I will not say much. Typically, the best person does not win elections, but the best campaigner. This time, neither the best person nor the best campaigner won. I believe in all of my heart we ran the best campaign, but because an entrenched politician suddenly showed an interest in running for office after lying dormant for a number of years and used her name recognition to campaign, we are now stuck with the same old politics we have seen in Mahoning County for the last thirty years. She did not deserve to win, and I am not sorry for saying it. I have been told there is a lot more to this story than what meets the eye, but I will wait to see what transpires in January before making any kind of judgment.
I am not afraid to run again, and you can bet I will be back making waves not only in 2011 but as soon as January arrives. The politics of this town is dirty, rough and tumble, and in your face, and damn it I am not afraid of these people anymore. I may have difficulty speaking at times, and I may not have a loud voice or an overtly talkative nature, but I am a good listener, and I do not owe any favors to anyone. And there is not one politician in this town currently who can say that. I lack the bravado and ego of these people, and I smell BS from ten miles away. Most of the politics in this town is bravado by the way.
And that, my friends, is why these people are so afraid. And that is why you all need to run, particularly those in college and high school currently. You do not owe any allegiance to anyone and you do not owe any favors. Mahoning County needs fresh faces that are not entrenched
We did a good thing here today everyone, and though I am a little angry about how things turned out, I am extremely proud we ran a clean campaign and to have worked with all of you these last few weeks. We came farther than many expected us to, and we managed to catch a lot of people off guard. I look forward to working with you again soon, be it on my own campaign or your own campaigns in the future.
Alex Mangie
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown and Future Trustee Candidate for Canfield 2011
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