Today I am going to give praise to someone I never thought I would. This individual has pulled off a remarkable feat that would be improbable for one man to pull off on his own. I truly am impressed at what this individual has accomplished, because it was ingenious.
Al Gore has successfully created the world’s largest environmental racket and has become extremely rich because of it, all with a smile on his face. He is the biggest racketeer I can think of in known history, and I have to give the man kudos for duping an entire planet, as few others in history have accomplished this task. Bravo. But please, let me tell you why this man is a racketeer for the sake of argument.
A “racket” is defined as a business that is making money by selling a solution to a problem that the business itself created or manufactured, specifically so that the purchase of the solution is always needed. Hence the illegality of rackets in the legal sense.
What is Al Gore selling? The theory that global warming is caused by the action of man. This is a theory that has been under scrutiny long before Gore took up the torch, but has seen much more scrutiny since Gore has been publicizing and pushing the theory worldwide. What is the solution Al Gore is selling? The pushing for a reduction in carbon emissions, supporting the passage of legislation like cap and trade, and calling for the transition to “clean energy” sources and infrastructure.
Al Gore has made an obscene amount of money from movies on climate change, books on climate change, and speaking engagements that take in over $100,000 per engagement in many cases. But the holdings of Al Gore is where the real money is at, as Gore has a vested interest in seeing the theory of global warming flourish within his own company Generation Investment Management. Here is their investment philosophy:
“When we founded Generation in 2004, our intention was to show how integrating sustainability research into a long term investment strategy could strengthen fundamental investment analysis. Since then, our conviction on the importance of sustainability in delivering long term performance has only increased.”
—Al Gore and David Blood
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If global warming was not real, I am willing to bet it would have an extremely adverse impact on this organization financially.
Al Gore has a financial stake in global warming, and that is the reality. At the end of the day, Al Gore is a capitalist. Is he really that far to the left with the environmental crowd, or is he pulling one of the biggest scams this world has ever seen? I have always been taught to never knock another man’s hustle, and this hustle has made an unbelievable financial impact on one person who has been selling a bill of goods to the world. The theory is highly controversial and unproven, and yet people keep throwing money at it, and inadvertently to the former vice president.
Al Gore is getting rich of a theory he himself has promoted without 1.) a scientific community consensus and 2.) proving beyond any kind of doubt that there is clear and convincing evidence that this theory is true. The rest of us are left holding the bag.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
Al Gore has successfully created the world’s largest environmental racket and has become extremely rich because of it, all with a smile on his face. He is the biggest racketeer I can think of in known history, and I have to give the man kudos for duping an entire planet, as few others in history have accomplished this task. Bravo. But please, let me tell you why this man is a racketeer for the sake of argument.
A “racket” is defined as a business that is making money by selling a solution to a problem that the business itself created or manufactured, specifically so that the purchase of the solution is always needed. Hence the illegality of rackets in the legal sense.
What is Al Gore selling? The theory that global warming is caused by the action of man. This is a theory that has been under scrutiny long before Gore took up the torch, but has seen much more scrutiny since Gore has been publicizing and pushing the theory worldwide. What is the solution Al Gore is selling? The pushing for a reduction in carbon emissions, supporting the passage of legislation like cap and trade, and calling for the transition to “clean energy” sources and infrastructure.
Al Gore has made an obscene amount of money from movies on climate change, books on climate change, and speaking engagements that take in over $100,000 per engagement in many cases. But the holdings of Al Gore is where the real money is at, as Gore has a vested interest in seeing the theory of global warming flourish within his own company Generation Investment Management. Here is their investment philosophy:
“When we founded Generation in 2004, our intention was to show how integrating sustainability research into a long term investment strategy could strengthen fundamental investment analysis. Since then, our conviction on the importance of sustainability in delivering long term performance has only increased.”
—Al Gore and David Blood
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If global warming was not real, I am willing to bet it would have an extremely adverse impact on this organization financially.
Al Gore has a financial stake in global warming, and that is the reality. At the end of the day, Al Gore is a capitalist. Is he really that far to the left with the environmental crowd, or is he pulling one of the biggest scams this world has ever seen? I have always been taught to never knock another man’s hustle, and this hustle has made an unbelievable financial impact on one person who has been selling a bill of goods to the world. The theory is highly controversial and unproven, and yet people keep throwing money at it, and inadvertently to the former vice president.
Al Gore is getting rich of a theory he himself has promoted without 1.) a scientific community consensus and 2.) proving beyond any kind of doubt that there is clear and convincing evidence that this theory is true. The rest of us are left holding the bag.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
"Al Gore is getting rich of a theory he himself has promoted without 1.) a scientific community consensus and 2.) proving beyond any kind of doubt that there is clear and convincing evidence that this theory is true. The rest of us are left holding the bag."
ReplyDeleteHasn't anyone told you that the Bush era of "post-reality" is over? No consensus on global warming? Oh, but there is... an overwhelming majority of atmospheric scientists, climatologists and geologists concur on that point. You must mean there is no "unanimous consensus", which, of course is true.
As for proving "proving beyond any kind of doubt that there is clear and convincing evidence that this theory is true", I'm betting that you accept the beliefs you believe in on far less evidence than the overwhelming international support for the global warming theory.
Good day to you.
There are thousands of scientists out there that disagree with the theory of global warming, and though majority of scientists agree the climate has changed, there is vast dispute as to the impact caused by humans and the extent to which it is causing it.
ReplyDeleteScientific evidence has failed to come to a conclusion as to what caused the ice age, though primarily the argument has been changes in atmospheric composition and changes in the earth's orbit around the sun.
In order for an ice age to occur, there needed to be a dramatic decrease in CO2, and scientists have failed to identify what caused that with any certainty. In order for the ice to melt, there had to be an increase in C02 in the atmosphere, something scientists also have failed to explain or link a cause to.
It could very well be the earth's climate varies with time.
As far as Al Gore is concerned, the man is making a lot of money off this theory. I applaud his capitalistic ambition, and I must give him credit for being a lot smarter than I originally thought.
I appreciate your time to respond, I am always happy to hear other points of view and criticism.
Have a good day,
Since Albert Gore, the racketeer, is calling all us realists "racists", I thought it prudent to give a little study to the mediocre divinity student. Your perceptions are very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI'd like JW to explain where he gets his facts regarding "consensus". Is it that now shamed UN publication? Did he get it from the World Bank, the UN IPCC, David de Rothschild?
What level of idiot does it take to continually ignore the FACTS about our human nature, how Albert Gore is exploiting the gullible, the ignorant, the stupid portion of society using tricks that have been known for thousands if not millions of years, from establishment to establishment.
I would suggest that those who continue to believe that man's emissions are a problem; do us all a favor by removing yourself and any remnant of yourself from our gene pool: As much as I don't agree with some of Darwin's ideas, he was correct in some ways, and it's clear that any race determined to undo itself via fear of the unknown is unfit to continue living.
JW, be the hero and solve the issue!