It is a late article tonight. I had to be up at 5:00AM to get to my audit in Mansfield today, and my ass just returned to Columbus a little while ago. It was a little hectic this morning, and being up that early always puts me in a bad mood. In fact, it pisses me off. I was okay after four cups of coffee, but I still had to drive to Mansfield to get to work. The good news was the people at the Taco Bell I was auditing were pretty cool and happy to see me. I told them auditors generally are hated beings, and after a few days of doing this I now fully know why. But at least it went smoothly.
You know, I think the idea of traveling is a lot better than actually doing it. Anytime someone says, “I am traveling for work today”, it usually comes in the form of an air of importance. Like, yes, they are that awesome because their work dictates they have to actually drive somewhere. Well, deep down, they are thinking, “I can’t believe I have to get up this damn early to drive to work!”
And the reality is traffic is never that bad in the morning, but you have an unusual collection of drivers at these times. People like me will amp it up to 80-85 MPH, but then you have those other people that are flying down the highway at 100 MPH with their brights on driving like complete assholes, particularly in your blind spot. You know who these people are. These are the ones that are driving 70 MPH, and then as you try and pass them on the left they immediately speed up to the speed you are going and chill in your blind spot just to piss you off. If you are going 85, they will speed up to 90 and just “hover” by you the next fifteen miles. Why they do this, I do not know.
Then you have the jackholes (not to be confused with jackelopes, which actually are pretty cool) that drive with their brights on. But these are not your average brights. These brights seem to increase and decrease in intensity as they follow you. With the exception of Corey Hart, have any of you ever purposely put your sunglasses on at night or in the early morning? Maybe you have, and it is as hilarious as it is annoying. But I digress. Anyway, today I did, for the reason of the geniuses that were behind me.
Then of course you have the people that tail you in the early morning. There is no one really out there on the road, but if you are passing a single car, chances are this guy or gal is behind you three feet from your bumper. There is no reason for tailing this early in the morning, particularly if you are like me and go a good 10-15 over the speed limit on average.
In consideration of this, I think I prefer driving in mass traffic because it is not nearly as bad as driving in the morning when only a handful of people are out.
Anyone else feel the same way? Give me your thoughts.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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