Nothing bad can last forever. I have always viewed this statement with optimism, because for the most part, it generally holds true. No matter how bad things get, they can always recover. Unfortunately, I do not foresee this to be true if Congress and President Obama continue pushing for this national healthcare system.
Why do I say this? Well, when government gets involved, it is unusually difficult to undo any action of government, particularly when it elects to enlarge itself. This healthcare system would do precisely that, a bureaucracy of a kind which has never been seen before in the United States. Once you have such a system in place, removing it is an extremely difficult task. After all, when has the government ever elected to shed programs before? You might find a few instances in history, but by and large government grows regardless of its inefficiencies.
I am bothered by a number of things with this new program, particularly the issue of not fully understanding the extent of the program itself. Congress has stopped reading bills folks, and that was more than evident when the House passed this Cap and Trade bill. Have to hand it to John Boehner for reading it out loud for the benefit of everyone, because I doubt very many in Congress actually read that piece of garbage, that behemoth of a bill that reads like a set of radio instructions in Spanish. You know, the ones where you can vaguely make out some of the language because it is similar to English, but by and large you cannot understand it because it is in fact a different language—i.e. the language of bureaucrats.
Obama is stumping around the country trying to push this healthcare agenda like there is no tomorrow. And frankly for Obama, there might not be. The American people are beginning to put this Congress on notice, and people are speaking out against it.
Now, Obama and company can pack as many people from the SEIU and other trade unions into these discussions as they want. After all, what better way to make an impact than by trying to make your numbers look big? RON PAUL did the same damn thing back in 2008 with his own supporters, and though it looked like he had a lot of support, it was never there in the first place. Smoke and mirrors are wonderful things if you are trying to make a statement, but they are just that: smoke and mirrors.
So, you have the appearance of a big base of supporters because you control organized labor, and they can bring in the numbers at the drop of a hat. Obama’s own PAC that was formed by his campaign is out there buying up advertisement space to push for this bill. He is stumping around the country, and he is on TV more than most people these days, usually with an open forum given by the mainstream outlets. Anyone who disagrees is shot down and ostracized. Obama is having private meetings with the head of the Congressional Budget Office to talk about this healthcare bill.
Does anyone else out there see a problem with what is going on? If you are angry, I encourage you to speak up. Let your Congressman and Senator know how you feel. Go to a TEA Party. Write your papers telling them your opinions—Congressman Wilson does to promote his bogus healthcare agenda! If he can, so can you! And when you reach your Congressmen, ask them if they plan on giving up their VIP healthcare plan to join the rest of us peasants in the new healthcare bureaucracy. And if they say yes, I hope you let me know so I can personally hold it against them when they vote for this thing and take back their word. And they will.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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