Last night I had this crazy dream about Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King’s It. For those of you who have seen this movie, it is creepy as hell. Hilarious at times, but certainly not something you want to be dreaming about. Evil clowns and all do not make for good nights. I presume I dreamed about this because I saw the world’s strongest clown down at the Columbiana County Fair yesterday, and it manifested itself in my dream as one of the creepiest clowns imaginable.
He did all sorts of crazy things in my dream. He hung a couple of people and laughed maniacally, taunted me (very much how he taunted people in the actual movie), and killed some more. What was interesting about this dream, aside from the fact there was a scary ass clown in it, was towards the end I had enough of his shit and magically pulled out a shotgun (it was a sawed off shotgun too, which made it pretty cool), stuck it to his head, and blew him away. Seriously, I am not embellishing when I say this, it absolutely happened that way.
This is comparable to the dream I had with Freddy Krueger in it a few weeks ago. Again, very similar to the dreams in the actual movie Nightmare on Elm Street: eerie, some weird guy running around with that damn hat on with a claw, etc. He didn’t kill anyone in that dream, or if going by how the story went, he didn’t kill me, the person having the dream. I just saw him ducking in and out of the shadows a lot and saying weird things.
Yes, I have weird dreams. Usually I dream when something weird is going on in my life. I dreamed a lot before going to Ohio State, before graduating at YSU, usually every August before going back to school, etc. Dreams go on from one to two weeks with me, and then I do not dream for a long time until the next round. I have no idea why I would dream about Pennywise the Clown of all things except having seen a clown at the fair the same day, but damn, it was creepy.
I guess I will leave with a quote from a movie: “And down here, YOU FLOAT TOO”. If some clown talked to me in a sewer drain, I’d probably run. Stupid kid.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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ReplyDeleteI had a similar dream but dreamt of the new pennywise from the film, its been two months since the I watched the film and just last night I dreamt I was in a room with pennywise and with some friends and pennywise was very close friendly with me but every time I walked out of the room he would attack my friends until I tried stopping him he locked the door and ate their soul, in my dream I ran to the bathroom to pee as I felt I was under some kind of source that made me drowsy but I found the power within me to fight him stage after stage of beating the shit out of him as he kept getting stronger and so did I. Weird dream. WEIRD DREAM but I woke up with sleep paralysis after that and have been feeling confused about it. Hope this brings some sort of comfort to anyone intrigued.