It must be the full moon that explains a lot of the crazy things that have been happening lately. Typically when this happens, you will see that a lot of things that are a minor annoyance become extremely irritating. Also, you will see a lot of people acting particularly unusual and even crazy on some levels.
Lately, Glenn Beck has been acting a little crazy. I like Beck, because even though how he frames things is hilarious while at the same time deeply disturbing, what he says is not very far from the truth. I have been thinking lately that Beck is going to crack soon. Today, with the full moon, he just might have.
Glenn Beck having a conversation with Nancy Pelosi’s cardboard cutout head worn by some girl on his show while having wine as the lights are dimmed with 50s style lounge music playing in the background was more than I could bear to watch. He carried on the conversation and did all of the antics we know and love with the faces and impersonations. I mean, it was hilarious, but completely over the top.
As I was telling a friend of mine, this is like my old political science teacher I had at YSU. Maybe this is why I enjoy watching Glenn Beck, because the mannerisms, the impersonations, and the approach to talking about some of these subjects are so similar to this professor’s style. For those of you who went to YSU for political science, or for those of you that made a phone call from the Royal Oaks to get me out of going to class on my behalf, you probably know who I am talking about. Definitely one of my favorite professors though.
But the real question is what the hell does the full moon do to people? Maybe I am completely off base here, but it seems that whenever it comes out every person on the road seems to be driving extraordinarily bad. Either they are driving below the speed limit, choosing to not use turn signals, coming to a complete stop at their turn and THEN turning on their turn signals, or driving in the left lane without passing, all in succession. It is not uncommon to come across a few of these things, but on full moon days, they all seem to happen one after the other, especially when you need to get somewhere.
Maybe it is just a manifestation, but how does that explain Glenn Beck? Or Barbara Boxer who said these protestors dress well? Would Barbara Boxer on any normal day say this kind of thing? Knowing her, she actually might have. Would Nancy Pelosi be so bold as to say the right wing is incapable of creating a legitimate grass roots movement if this was not full moon time?
Well, the answer is yes, these people likely would have done these things regardless of a full moon. They’ve been doing this stuff for seven months now. Perhaps this all is a figment of my imagination.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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