It is almost officially one year since Obama took office ladies and gentlemen. I suppose this would be considered a milestone for some people, but overall things have turned out like they were expected to have—one big mess.
You have an energy policy that is threatening to take away jobs in the 6th District where I live. You have a healthcare policy that is beyond comprehension. Congress is making side deals and offering bribes to pass this garbage piece of legislation. Unions are getting a free pass on their health plans are going to be exempt from taxes until 2018 while everyone else pays for them. A number of Obama’s appointments have stepped down in shame, but only because the people called him on his poor choices. The stimulus did not stimulate anything but the anger it caused in people.
My Congressman Charlie Wilson leaves a lot to be desired, and if anything has failed to stand up for his constituents. A so-called blue dog Democrat, he has voted with the Democratic Party 98% of the time. So much for being a blue dog. Do not get me started on Congressmen Tim Ryan and Zach Space. Seriously, do not get me started on these two. Zach Space is going to have a difficult time next election, but unfortunately, we are stuck with Tim Ryan until the districts are redrawn or he moves on to something else. I hoped to God he would have run for Senate, but alas we were not that lucky.
The local politics of Mahoning County are as expected, and it is tolerated for the time being. We can do better, and we will do better. I am counting on a good year this year.
I do not know about you folks, but I have been on a slow burn over the last year. Clearly this country is headed down the wrong path. We needed change in 2008, and in 2010 we need reconsideration. You asked for change, and you got change. Now I ask you to reconsider what you asked for initially. We need change in this country, but we do NOT need this kind of change. We do not need to sacrifice everything we hold dear strictly in the name of progress, and if you are uncomfortable with the government trying so swiftly to take over the health system and radically change our energy policies to the detriment of hardworking Americans, I implore you to speak out.
The time for being silent is over and the time to get involved is NOW. You can support a local PAC, a candidate, a Tea Party, or you can help out your local party. If you want to see Scott Brown win in Massachusetts and become a Senator to stop this madness in Congress, by all means send him a few dollars or go online and sign up to make phone calls for him! We can stem the tide of these ideologues, and I am not afraid to call them that because that is what they are.
You have an energy policy that is threatening to take away jobs in the 6th District where I live. You have a healthcare policy that is beyond comprehension. Congress is making side deals and offering bribes to pass this garbage piece of legislation. Unions are getting a free pass on their health plans are going to be exempt from taxes until 2018 while everyone else pays for them. A number of Obama’s appointments have stepped down in shame, but only because the people called him on his poor choices. The stimulus did not stimulate anything but the anger it caused in people.
My Congressman Charlie Wilson leaves a lot to be desired, and if anything has failed to stand up for his constituents. A so-called blue dog Democrat, he has voted with the Democratic Party 98% of the time. So much for being a blue dog. Do not get me started on Congressmen Tim Ryan and Zach Space. Seriously, do not get me started on these two. Zach Space is going to have a difficult time next election, but unfortunately, we are stuck with Tim Ryan until the districts are redrawn or he moves on to something else. I hoped to God he would have run for Senate, but alas we were not that lucky.
The local politics of Mahoning County are as expected, and it is tolerated for the time being. We can do better, and we will do better. I am counting on a good year this year.
I do not know about you folks, but I have been on a slow burn over the last year. Clearly this country is headed down the wrong path. We needed change in 2008, and in 2010 we need reconsideration. You asked for change, and you got change. Now I ask you to reconsider what you asked for initially. We need change in this country, but we do NOT need this kind of change. We do not need to sacrifice everything we hold dear strictly in the name of progress, and if you are uncomfortable with the government trying so swiftly to take over the health system and radically change our energy policies to the detriment of hardworking Americans, I implore you to speak out.
The time for being silent is over and the time to get involved is NOW. You can support a local PAC, a candidate, a Tea Party, or you can help out your local party. If you want to see Scott Brown win in Massachusetts and become a Senator to stop this madness in Congress, by all means send him a few dollars or go online and sign up to make phone calls for him! We can stem the tide of these ideologues, and I am not afraid to call them that because that is what they are.
Today is the day to take back our country, because tomorrow may be too damn late. If these jokers in Congress are willing to have major votes on holidays and in the dead of the night to avoid having people pay attention to what they are doing, then imagine how much farther they will go to get their way.
I am begging you to do SOMETHING, whatever that would be. You are the engines of democracy, not these people down in D.C. right now. It is time to send them a message that they answer to us, not the other way around.
For those about to rock, we salute you,
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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