Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without alcohol? Seriously, if there was no alcohol in this world, where would everyone go to be social? It really is an interesting question, especially in a society that has been conditioned to drink and go out socially at bars and clubs. Chances are if you are going out on a date, at some point you will find yourself at a bar. If you wanted to go out and watch a football game with friends, you will likely end up at a bar. Going out somewhere after work to let off some steam and decompress? Likely it will be some kind of bar if you are going out with coworkers. New Year’s, St. Patrick’s Day, or Thanksgiving Eve? You are probably going out to some kind of bar at some point in the evening.
Alcohol seems to be the great social equalizer, a level playing field of sorts. Drinking and being social have been conditioned to go hand in hand. If alcohol was to completely disappear tonight, you would find millions and millions and millions of people worldwide without a clue of what to do to be social in an alcohol-free world. Society has become so conditioned to it that I do believe it would cause serious problems if it suddenly became absent.
There is no real replacement for it if you think about it. What today could take the place of the bar scene? The thing about it is you need to be doing something someplace that could hold anywhere from a regular crowd of people to a place filled to the brim. Pool halls? Coffee shops? Bowling alleys? Juice bars? Arcades? Fight Club? Battle Royale?
I mean, what exactly is the alternative to the bar scene at this point if you want to go to an environment with a lot of people so you can be sociable? Where are you going to put millions of people to be in a social situation? Sporting events do not really count, as they are not the best way to meet people. Movies are too quiet and you cannot really have a conversation there.
If you were to try and pick someone up, the bar scene is the natural choice. You maximize your chances because there are a maximum number of people there, and there is a decent chance others are there for the same reason. Of course, pick-ups at the bar scene are a gamble, but often is a first choice of attempt. There are other issues that go with bar scene pick-ups, but let us just assume that the bar scene is the primary target. No alcohol means no bar. Where does one go if he is she is trying to pick someone up? If you are in school, it is easier. Out of school, where is one to go if there is no bar scene?
Granted, this situation will never happen. But it does go to show you the role alcohol has played in society and continues to play as time goes on. With all of its imperfections, it does serve a kind of purpose. I will say that I have several reservations with alcohol in general and the increasing role it is playing in America’s flirting with alcoholism, but at this point in time, I cannot see any kind of alternative that would even begin to fill the void supposing the popularity of alcohol ever declined or disappeared altogether.
Just something to think about.
The Mang
Conservative Capo of Youngstown
I would love a world without alcohol.