Today I am going to deviate from some of the more fun issues to something a little more political in the interest of keeping things somewhat fresh around here. While I could go on and on about pastas and sauces, there are other interesting things going on in the world.
Today’s issue is illegal immigrants being afforded healthcare coverage if they want to opt in to the government plan. Apparently, there has been a pushback from a small group of House Democrats (not all, just about 20) to include a provision to cover illegal immigrants if they would like to get coverage.
Let me break this down as simple as I can and maybe if someone in D.C. is reading this it will get through their skulls. I will start off with the first fundamental issue here. Illegal immigrants are not American citizens—period.
What does that mean?
If you are here illegally, that means (try and follow me here Congress) you are breaking the law. While I know that does not mean a whole lot to some in the Republican Party and some in the Democratic Party, it means a lot to the legal citizens of the United States.
Some in this small entourage of Democrats who are pushing to include illegal aliens in the healthcare plan argue that it will keep them out of the emergency rooms, hence bringing down costs.
Well ladies and gentlemen, here is a thought. They really should not be here in the first place, should they? So in theory, it would be illegal to be here and a violation of the law of the United States, but regardless of the fact you are here illegally, we still want to allow you to acquire health insurance through the Federal plan.
How on earth does that possibly make any sense? How is that rational thinking?
Here is an idea. Instead of letting illegal aliens buy insurance, why not simply treat them in the emergency room, and then notify the authorities to deport them? Furthermore, if you knowingly treat someone who is here illegally and do not report them, it should be a 5th degree felony as incentive to do the right thing as an American citizen by getting people to follow the law.
By allowing illegal immigrants to buy into American insurance, we as a country are basically saying even though you are breaking the law, we still want you to have insurance. We will not make an effort to deport you for breaking the law, but we are willing to give you health insurance.
Make no mistake: if you are a legal citizen and you break the law, you are going to jail. If you are here illegally, that does not seem to be the case anymore. You are rewarded if anything. Some will say we do not have the manpower to deal with the problem, and to that I say that is complete and total garbage. If we really wanted to get serious about this problem, we could, but we don’t. When was the last time you heard anything about illegal immigration outside the context of the healthcare debate? It has been awhile, and I try to follow the news daily.
Am I the only one seeing a problem with this?
It is as simple as this: if you are a citizen of the U.S., you should be entitled to the privileges of being a citizen. If you are not a citizen of the U.S., you are a criminal and should not be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as those of the legal American citizen. Good or bad for the economy aside, these people are breaking the law, and somewhere along the line some people forgot that.
Today’s issue is illegal immigrants being afforded healthcare coverage if they want to opt in to the government plan. Apparently, there has been a pushback from a small group of House Democrats (not all, just about 20) to include a provision to cover illegal immigrants if they would like to get coverage.
Let me break this down as simple as I can and maybe if someone in D.C. is reading this it will get through their skulls. I will start off with the first fundamental issue here. Illegal immigrants are not American citizens—period.
What does that mean?
If you are here illegally, that means (try and follow me here Congress) you are breaking the law. While I know that does not mean a whole lot to some in the Republican Party and some in the Democratic Party, it means a lot to the legal citizens of the United States.
Some in this small entourage of Democrats who are pushing to include illegal aliens in the healthcare plan argue that it will keep them out of the emergency rooms, hence bringing down costs.
Well ladies and gentlemen, here is a thought. They really should not be here in the first place, should they? So in theory, it would be illegal to be here and a violation of the law of the United States, but regardless of the fact you are here illegally, we still want to allow you to acquire health insurance through the Federal plan.
How on earth does that possibly make any sense? How is that rational thinking?
Here is an idea. Instead of letting illegal aliens buy insurance, why not simply treat them in the emergency room, and then notify the authorities to deport them? Furthermore, if you knowingly treat someone who is here illegally and do not report them, it should be a 5th degree felony as incentive to do the right thing as an American citizen by getting people to follow the law.
By allowing illegal immigrants to buy into American insurance, we as a country are basically saying even though you are breaking the law, we still want you to have insurance. We will not make an effort to deport you for breaking the law, but we are willing to give you health insurance.
Make no mistake: if you are a legal citizen and you break the law, you are going to jail. If you are here illegally, that does not seem to be the case anymore. You are rewarded if anything. Some will say we do not have the manpower to deal with the problem, and to that I say that is complete and total garbage. If we really wanted to get serious about this problem, we could, but we don’t. When was the last time you heard anything about illegal immigration outside the context of the healthcare debate? It has been awhile, and I try to follow the news daily.
Am I the only one seeing a problem with this?
It is as simple as this: if you are a citizen of the U.S., you should be entitled to the privileges of being a citizen. If you are not a citizen of the U.S., you are a criminal and should not be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as those of the legal American citizen. Good or bad for the economy aside, these people are breaking the law, and somewhere along the line some people forgot that.
Alex Mangie
The Mang
Candidate for Canfield Township Trustee and Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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