It is kind of a stupid week, which is why I have not really written too much the last few days. Mostly I have been working, getting up early, and getting to bed late. Not really exciting, is it? But it is almost the weekend, which probably is going to entail watching the Steelers and the Buckeyes and hopefully doing something else, like my own campaign.
Things are actually going pretty good with it. The literature is getting printed up and the shirts are coming in soon. I plan on hitting the Canfield-Struthers game this coming Friday (which also happens to be homecoming), and I will send out an email/message to anyone who is interested in helping me out with that. Probably do some door to door that weekend too, and our mailings are going to be starting fairly soon. So next week we will be starting into campaign mode. I guess it is that time of year again.
I’ll send out some more information Monday or Tuesday about what is going on that weekend, and of course there will be food and other beverages for those willing to give a hand. Most likely we’ll go out somewhere, which is fine because it would be Friday!
Now, something interesting about the Mang. Seriously, I am struggling for a topic here because this week has been kind of lousy. I could banter on about politics, but I think since it is Thursday, I want to try and keep this light tonight. Okay, I have one.
Every once in awhile I get this thing called sleep paralysis. No, it is not contagious, and no, it is not a routine thing. Actually it happens to everyone at some point, and when it does happen (again, this is pretty infrequent), it usually happens when I am dosing on the couch. You might know what I am talking about.
It is the weirdest feeling in the world, because you are conscious, but you are completely unable to move your body. You are asleep, but you are completely aware of that fact. Usually you might find that when you try to speak, you can’t, and when you try to move, you are unable to. You try to open your eyes, but they will not open. Hence why it is called sleep paralysis. It is a weird ass feeling, and certainly one that can be scary the first time it happens.
Basically this is when your brain wakes up from REM sleep, but the body has not caught up. It is pretty harmless from everything I have read, just it is not really pleasant. I mention this because it happened this afternoon briefly for a few seconds. I think I was dreaming about some kind of dog when it happened now that I think about it. Weird.
Usually this is onset by irregular sleeping patterns or stress, which I guess has been the case for a little while now. I have not been sleeping enough lately, and I am a little stressed right now.
Haha, sorry guys, this is the best I could come up with tonight. I’ll have more interesting stuff in the next few days because I know they are going to beat the hell out of the last boring week.
Alex Mangie
The Mang
Candidate for Canfield Trustee and Conservative Capo of the Mahoning Valley
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