Last night I ended up watching President Obama’s speech, probably out of genuine interest in what he had to say. Believe it or not, I think it was an outstanding speech. I caution you, I did not say it was outstanding content, because it really was nothing new. When I say outstanding, I mean outstanding in delivery.
Now, Obama said a lot of good things that are very pleasing to the ear. Many beautiful words were spoken promising a smorgasbord of wonderful things that will come out of this healthcare plan.
I do not believe him.
If President Obama wants me to trust him, here is what he can do. Go back to the drawing board, have Congress write up a new bill that everyone can understand, and make it more specific without leaving things to be open ended for interpretation.
If illegal aliens are not going to be covered, I want the language to read “this healthcare bill will not cover individuals who have been determined to be in this country illegally”. It is that simple folks, because under the current HR 3200 bill, it leaves that little piece of information pretty wide open for the interpretation of those reading it.
Unfortunately, you will not see that kind of language in this bill. Why not? Well, you can ask the Congressmen who are putting it together. For many of them, doing so is not politically expedient. I am not entirely sure why, seeing as how the rules seem pretty easy to understand. This is the United States. If you are here illegally in the United States, and are not a citizen or have a proper visa, you shall not be entitled to the benefits of being a citizen. We will treat you in the hospital for an emergency, but the next place you will be going is your home country when you are deported. This should not be entirely hard to understand or comprehend folks. I do not see the big deal in putting this specific piece of language in the bill.
If this bill is not going add one dime to the deficit, I want a bona fide guarantee of that assertion. Just the same, I would like a guarantee that the costs are not going to double every few years like they did for the Medicare program. Oh yes, that is a fact many seem to neglect, because the costs of Medicare have doubled every four years since 1966 and is the reason why Medicare is in bad shape these days.
The costs for this plan are going to be enormous, so should we be expecting a doubling of these enormous costs every few years as well? If you say no Mr. President, I want a guarantee and an escape clause for dissolution of such a healthcare system as soon as we have to start subsidizing it. If you say this healthcare system is going to be self-sufficient, you should have no problem putting that clause in there.
“If at any time in the future this healthcare plan ceases to be self-sufficient and results in having to subsidize this system for its survival, this plan shall be dissolved”.
To be entirely honest, I am not even sure how to write in language speaking to preventing the government health insurance plan from being anti-competitive. There is nothing to stop the government from offering deeply discounted insurance rates and taking a loss to get people into its plan. If I think of a way how to word some language to prevent this, I will let you know.
Simple guarantees are all I am asking to see. You want my trust President Obama? Talk with your friends in Congress and have them rewrite a new version of the bill. Make it so some of these promises you have made are airtight and are not subject to interpretation. And make it so the average American can understand it. No more ambiguous language.
Until I see some bona fide guarantees and some language that is specific to some of these issues, I will continue to be suspicious of the bills coming out of Congress.
Quite simply, if you are going to make these promises, why don’t you put them in writing. If you are not hiding anything, then put some specificity to the claims you are making. Then maybe I will consider the truth in what you say.
Alex Mangie
The Mang
Candidate for Canfield Township Trustee and Conservative Capo of Youngstown
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